G1 and G2 Actors

In CrazyTalk Animator, there are two kinds of characters, G1 (CrazyTalk Animator 1) and G2 (CrazyTalk Animator 2). You can use the G1 characters as you do in the previous version, however, G2 characters can perform more because of the characteristics below:

Thumbnails and Paths

The thumbnails and paths of the G1 and G2 characters are as described in the table below:



Location (default)


G1 Characters

  • Windows XP - C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Reallusion\Template\CrazyTalk Animator2 Template\Character\G1\
  • Windows Vista or Above - C:\Users\Public\Documents\Reallusion\Template\CrazyTalk Animator2 Template\Character\G1\
  • The thumbnail of the G1 character is marked with the character's direction.

G2 Characters

  • Windows XP: - C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Reallusion\Template\CrazyTalk Animator2 Template\Character\
  • Windows Vista or Above - C:\Users\Public\Documents\Reallusion\Template\CrazyTalk Animator2 Template\Character\
  • The thumbnail of the G1 character is marked with G2.
  • The RS stands for Render Style, which indicates that the character is also given the Render Style settings.


G1 characters and their body parts are basically flat with single view (front or side). The perspectives of the other 9 angles use this view as reference.

G1 character with single view. Each perspective takes the view as reference.

G2 characters and their body parts, on the other hand, has up to 10 angles.

G2 character with 10 perspectives

Motion Compatibility

G1 Character

The G1 characters can be merely applied with 2D flat motions just as you use them in the previous version of CrazyTalk Animator.

G1 character with 2D flat motion applied

Applying 3D or flatten 3D motions to a G1 character can generate visual imperfections because each body part contains or refers to only one view.

G1 character with 3D motion applied

G2 Character

G2 characters, however, are able to perform not only the flat motions but also dimensional ones (3D motions) because of the multi-angle characteristic. By applying the 3D motions, you can increase the possibility for a character to perform in different perspective views.

G2 character with 2D motion applied


G2 character with 3D motion applied

Render Style Capability

G1 characters are not given the render style capability, so that you can only change the color of the entire body at once. There is not separate adjustments for G1 characters' body parts.

G1 characters do not contain render styles; color-changing will always be applied to the entire character.

Default G2 characters are build up with certain render styles. You can snap and change the style of the characters by clicking prepared profiles. In addition to that, each body part can be adjusted individually.

G2 character with different render styles. Grouped body parts can be individually adjusted to compose special appearances and styles.

Comparison Table

The comparison of the G1 and G2 characters are as shown in the table below:


G1 Characters

G2 Characters


Flat, only divided into front and side categories.

Full angle with 10 perspectives.

2D Motions Compatibility

Fully supported.

Fully supported.

3D Motions Compatibility

Supported with visual flaws.

Fully supported.

Body Parts Replacement

Only with G1 characters.

Only with G2 characters.


Fully supported.

Fully supported.


Fully supported.

Fully supported.

Render Style Ability

Not supported.

Fully supported (except the upgraded Eddie and Cherry).