Auto Conversion Rule (New for 1.03)

The Auto Convert V2 is aiming to get the identical reflective surface look between iClone real-time material and Indigo ray-trace rendering. Auto Convert V2 has enhanced the non-linear conversion equation between iClone specularity, glossiness, and Indigo IOR, Exponent and Fresnel values. Auto Convert V2 is a mild modification of the former preset. Under the hood, the preset models a Phong material in Indigo.


The default Indigo material in version 6.03 and above is Auto Convert V2.

Specular and Glossiness exponential mapping in iClone

Unlike the Auto Convert shader preset of the first version, the V2 mapping for the Specular and Glossiness of iClone and IOR and Exponent of Indigo is non-linear.

Ranges for Applications

For the sake of simplicity, one can acknowledge 3 distinct classifications of shininess: Weak Highlight, Medium Highlight and Strong Highlight.