Changing Character Render Style - Basic

For each G2 default character, its sprites are well-grouped and is embedded with pre-defined render styles. You may simply select the ideal style and the colors of the sprites simultaneously change.

  1. Apply a G2 character and switch to the composer mode.
  2. Click the Render Style button to open the panel.
  3. Click on either of the template to change the render style of the character.

    None: This template shows the initial color of the character's sprites.

    Avant-Garde: Innovative and experimental fashion style for the character.

  4. Drag the Weight slider to determine the level of the render style effect on the character.

    Weight = 100

    Weight = 30
    (the character's color will be closer to the initial color, which is blue)

  5. You can also activate or deactivate the Show Line box to show/hide the contour line of the character.

    Show Line = On

    Show Line = Off


    If you want to create custom groups of the character's sprites, then refer to the section below for more information (please note that the feature only supported by Pro or Pipeline version):