Introduction of Validate Multi-angle Setup Panel

1. Angle Combination Controls

Use these two drop down lists to determine the individual angles of the parent and child body parts.

Please refer to the Viewing Angle Combinations of Parent-Child Body Parts section for more information.

2. Mode Tabs

Click the tab to switch to different tab for modifying the Bone, Sprite and Joint Mask of the CHILD (selected) body part.

3. Preview Quick Validate

Activate the box so that you may examine the rational angle-combinations of the parent-child body parts by clicking the buttons or by dragging the slider.

Please refer to the Viewing Angle Combinations of Parent-Child Body Parts section for more information.

4. Controls in Tab

In the pane, you will see different controls in accordance with the mode tab you choose for modifying the transformation, the sprite, or the joint mask of the select body part. Please refer to the sections below for more information:

5. Bone Rotate Preview

Click this button for quickly observing the rotating result of the selected body part.